Friday, September 28, 2012

Slammin' September!!

          Well, September is almost passed -and it has been quite a busy month. All of our regular activities have been rolling along nicely and we have seen the re-introduction of JoyZone on Sunday afternoons as well as our Free Tutoring program on Monday nights. A new Women's study started up on Monday nights at 7pm last week and we have had a slate of special activities for the community including Plates of Appreciation to the local Nursing Home, a Community Songfest and BBQ; as well as last weekend's Quilt Festival 5K Run. It is amazing the number of volunteers who have offered their talents to plan and carry out these programs. I have been blessed and impressed by your talents, dedication, and willingness to serve each other and our community.
          October is going to offer us a little bit of a sabbath before the holiday season catches us up in a whirlpool of activity, programs, and deadlines. I would like to encourage us all to make good use of this time to catch our breath; but also, to spend a little extra time in God's presence -individually and together. Fall has always been a good time of year for me to slow down and listen more deeply to God. It is almost as though creation begins to cuddle up in its own fallen leaves to rest through the cold, grey winter season. For some people this is a depressing time. But for me -I welcome the more meditative/reflective season when apart from the holiday rush the days are generally less filled with breathless activity. Activity and accomplishment is a blessing from God; but sometimes we need to reflect on our path and make sure we aren't missing out on God's best for us.
          The holiday season will be upon us soon and it often seems like we begin to prepare for Thanksgiving only moments later to wake up to the beginning of a new year. It all rushes by so fast. And unfortunately God often gets lost in the hustle and bustle. Feasting, football, and fairytales...parties, pageantry and preparations... even good things like spending time with family and giving gifts to others can all absorb our time and efforts while pushing God into a back seat. That's why I think now is the perfect time to begin to turn our hearts and passions more deeply toward a deserving, faithful, and amazing God. Now before the other distractions begin to arise. Now before our calendars are too peppered with events to lavishly pour ourselves out at Jesus' feet like Mary did. Let us seize this calm, twilight time to spend in His presence now, so that we will faithfully abide with and not lose sight of Him then.
           Psalm 46:10 He says, “Be stilland know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
           Blessings!  ---Sean